September 30, 2013

Triple Tournament BR with the new Marine Codex, September 2013

Hello everyone, long time no see. I'm back to 40k after a five month StarCraft 2 binge. The following battle reports are from a local mini-tournament. It was my first time playing with the new vanilla codex.

1850 pts armies, rulebook missions. Three battles. My list:

Brother Manfred, Librarian – mastery level 2, telepathy
Tactical Squad RED – plasmagun, combiplasma, ml with flak, rhino
Tactical Squad YELLOW – plasmagun, combiplasma, ml with flak, rhino
Tactical Squad GREEN – plasmagun, combiplasma, ml with flak, rhino
Brother Hanz, Dreadnought – 2x twinlinked autocannon
Brother Shultz, Dreadnought – 2x twinlinked autocannon
Brother Herman, Dreadnought – 2x twinlinked autocannon
Land Speeder – multimelta & heavy flamer
Land Speeder – multimelta & heavy flamer
Multimelta Attack Bikes x2 (squadroned)
Vindicator – dozer blade
Vindicator – dozer blade
Predator – lascannon sponsons
Aegis Defense Line – quad-gun

A kitchen-sink list. The idea was to form a gunline and overwhelm opponents with threat saturation and cheap effective units. I would have preferred to replace the mm/flamer speeders with typhoon variants, and vindicators with additional predators, but I do not have the necessary models and don't want to proxy half my army. I considered taking a master of the forge, but decided to give the new librarian the benefit of the doubt. Flak missiles are overpriced, but seeing as I don't have any flier models they're my current go-to skyfire option. Sadly, godhammer land raider transport capacity was lowered in the 6th edition vanilla codex, so it can no longer carry five terminators plus an HQ (for some reason, its price remained the same), which effectively invalidates my old playstyle (fuck you Cruddace).


Vanguard strike deployment, four objectives, each worth three points. Useless warlord traits. Opponent's list consisted of a kitted-out lord, a destroyer lord, a mini-royal court, two units of immortals, three spyders, three scarab swarms, a unit of deathmarks in a nightscythe, a unit of wraiths, a triarch stalker, an annihilation barge, and a unit of flayed ones. Wardian necrons are at the top of my list of armies I hate playing against, mostly because everything in their codex is better and cheaper than what I have. Brother Manfred gets psychic scream and invisibility powers. My plan was to turtle and hope for a draw. The land speeders were deep striking, while the stalker, the barge, and the nightscythe with deathmarks and a cryptek went into reserve. I got first turn and opponent failed to seize initiative.

Night fighting. Aside from some pivoting and repositioning, I don't move much. One of the dreadnought aims its searchlight at the flayed ones, and the rest of my army promptly wipes them off the table, earning me first blood.

The destroyer lord and his wraith entourage advance towards my lines, out into the open. Scarabs are born.

Both speeders arrive, deep striking within flamer range of the wraiths and the destroyer lord. One scatters but doesn't mishap, the other is on target. My entire army unloads on the wraiths and, thanks to a ton of failed saves on the opponent's part, vaporizes the entire unit. The destroyer lord fails his reanimation protocol roll and is removed. Phew.

The stalker, the barge, and the nightscythe arrive. The cryptek and his deathmark buddies disembark within rapid fire range of the combat squad holding one of my objectives. The nightscythe is shot down by some rather fortunate quad-gun interceptor fire. So fortunate, in fact, you could say the nightscythe was blown away by how lucky my dice were. The stalker destroys one of my speeders, while the deathmarks wipe out the attack bikes. The scarabs rush across the goddamn LOS-blocking hill in the middle and charge my predator, wrecking it.

My retaliation is swift and not as terrible as I have hoped. All but two scarab swarms are destroyed. Brother Manfred casts psychic scream and misses. Some of the deathmarks are taken out. One of the dreads shoots at and then attempts to charge the barge, but fails the distance roll. Even in death, Steel Slayers can't assault for shit.

Deathmarks advance over the defense line. The spyders, the stalkers, the remaining scarabs, and the two immortal squads also advance. The barge wrecks the dreadnought who tried to charge it.

My entire army lets loose on the deathmarks and the scarabs, slaughtering them all. Brother Manfred casts psychic scream and misses, again. The cryptek reanimates.

Necrons keep advancing. Their warlord splits from his immortal entourage and strolls out into the open. The spyders reach the ruined wall close to my defense line. The barge wrecks a vindicator. The stalker puts an end to the remaining speeder.

I move my empty rhinos and one combat squad out into the open, boxing-in the spyders to prevent them from reaching my objectives. The remaining vindicator blows up the stalker. One spyder falls. Brother Manfred casts psychic scream at the cryptek, hits, and doesn't inflict a single wound. The cryptek still dies to bolter fire... And then immediately gets back up again.

Both rhinos are assaulted and blown up by the spyders and the lord. Some marines die to shooting. Unfortunately, the game goes into sixth turn.

Brother Manfred casts psychic scream at the cryptek, hits, and fails to inflict a single wound, again. The cryptek is then killed by tacticals, only to stand up for the third time. The vindicator lobs a demolisher shell into the necron lord's face, vaporizing the undead bastard and earning me slay the warlord.

The sacrificial combat squad is massacred by shooting and spydery nastiness. The spyders consolidate towards the aegis defense line. More marines fall to shooting. At this point, most of my combat squads are reduced to two or three members. Sadly, the game goes on for another turn, sealing my fate.

Brother Manfred tries to cast psychic scream and fails his psychic test. Fuck you brother Manfred. I throw everything I have at the two spyders, but it's not enough and one survives. The cryptek, likewise, passes his saves. Having no alternative, two of my tacticals gang up on the cryptek to keep it from contesting the objective. I try to block the spyder's path to the objective, but don't have enough models to do so.

The spyder charges the marines holding the objective, contesting it. Game ends. Necrons win 7:5.

A fun, close-fought battle. I made two mistakes. First, bad deployment rendered one of my vindicators useless for three or four turns – I should have placed them both near the center of my army. Second, I should have assaulted and bogged down the deathmarks with my dreadnought, rather than going after the barge. Still, I would have won if this game had ended before turn 7.


Kill points, 12” deployment. Useless warlord traits. My first game against the new Tau. His army consisted of an ethereal, a commander (I don't know what their commanders are called), a railgun devilfish, a riptide, two units of fire warriors, a unit of kroot, a deep-striking unit of mecha tau with shield drones and plasmaguns that don't overheat, a deep-striking unit of (I think) stealth suits with two meltas, a unit of markerlight drones, two units of commandos with markerlights, and an aegis defense line. Brother Manfred gets psychic scream and some other worthless power. Needless to say, his army contained a lot fewer kill points than mine. The good thing was, he didn't have much long-range shooting, so I thought I might be able to slowly whittle him down. My plan was to keep my head down until his deep strikers arrive, kill them, and then, depending on how things went, maybe leave the dubious safety of my defense line. No night fighting. I get first turn, and opponent fails to seize the initiative.

I shoot at the fire warriors. They all go to ground behind their own defense line, so only one of them dies.

He throws a bunch of markerlights at me, removing my cover saves and making his riptide BS15 or something ridiculous like that, then blows up brother Manfred's rhino and strips a hull point from one of my vindicators. Manfred and co fail their pinning test and go to ground.

Both speeders arrive and they both attempt to deepstrike within melta range of the devilfish. One mishaps, gets placed at the other end of the table, and is instantly murdered by the riptide's interceptor fire. The other fires its multimelta and plinks off a hull point. I spend the rest of the turn shooting ineffectively.

The plasmagun-wielding mecha arrive from reserve. They deep strike behind my remaining speeder and wreck it. Tau shooting sees the leftmost rhino destroyed and another hull point or two stripped from my vehicles.

My strategy doesn't seem to be working out, so I decide to advance with the vindicators, the attack bikes, and the rightmost tactical squad. In the ensuing shooting phase, one unit of markerlight commandos is disintegrated by a demolisher shell, the other is mostly destroyed by rapid firing tacticals, the devilfish is finally wrecked, and the mecha squad is reduced to a pair of mecha and one shield drone.

The meltagun tau arrive, deep striking in front of my attack bikes. They destroy the rightmost rhino, rendering me officially rhinoless, but only manage to take a hull point off the vindicator. One of the attack bikes is killed by the fire warriors, while the other suffers a wound.

I turbo-boost my remaining attack bike, hiding it behind LOS-blocking cover. I pull my hurt vindicators back behind the defense line before eradicating the last of the markerlight commandos and inflicting righteous vengeance on the melta commandos, halving their numbers. At the leftmost side of the table, a tactical squad destroys the last of the mecha squad.

The melta tau retreat into terrain. More shooting ensues but nothing is destroyed.

More useless shooting happens. The rightmost tactical squad assaults the remaining melta tau, slaughters them, then moves into the opponent's deployment zone to grab linebreaker.

The combined shooting from the fire warriors and the kroot wipes out the entire tactical squad. Game ends. Tau win by like one or two kill points.

One of the most boring battles I have ever played. I knew nothing about the new tau, so I didn't have any idea what I should be doing. If I had a rematch, I would probably just rush towards their lines and try to overwhelm them in close quarters. Also, I would use those speeders to roast his infantry. This game sure made me miss my assault terminators and their land raider.


12” deployment. Four objectives, each worth 3 points. As always, useless warlord traits. You may remember No1 from older battle reports, where his guardsmen were accompanied by Blood Angel allies. This time he brought a pure IG list. His army consisted of a command squad in a chimera, a veteran squad in a chimera, a pair of leman russes (squadroned), a plasma and an executioner leman russ driven by Pask (also squadroned), a basilisk and a colossus (squadroned), a big platoon of guardsmen led by a commissar, and a vendetta. Brother Manfred gets psychic scream and hallucination. I intended to rush his lines with everything I had and take the leftmost of his objectives (the one in the ruin). His vendetta wasn't carrying any units, so I was fairly certain my own objectives would be safe as long as I could get rid of that colossus quickly. He got first turn and I failed to seize the initiative. Night fighting was in effect.

His shooting immobilizes my command rhino, reducing it to a single hull point.

My vindicators and two of my rhinos surge forward, popping smoke. The attack bikes turbo-boost forward, keeping themselves hidden behind the big train. The command rhino repairs itself and recovers a hull point thanks to It Will Not Die. Half of my army shoots at the colossus while the other half fires at the chimera, plinking off some hull points.

The vendetta remains in reserve. One vindicator is wrecked. The veterans leave their chimera and move into the ruin housing the objective.

A speeder deep strikes in front of the leman russes, fires its multimelta point-blank, and misses. Rhinos, attack bikes, and dreadnoughts keep advancing. The vindicator scores a direct hit against the two leman russes, but fails to inflict any damage. The rest of the army unloads on the colossus, wrecking it.

Vendetta flies onto the table and is immediately forced to perform evasive maneuvers, losing one of its lascannons and getting reduced to a single hull point. The speeder gets wrecked, an outcome that surprises exactly no one. The remaining vindicator takes a lot of heat, but endures without lasting damage. The rightmost rhino is torn to pieces. The disembarking marines fail their pinning test.

The second speeder arrives. It scatters 12”, too far from its intended target (the leman russes), so I turbo boost it behind the ruin. The vindicator shoots at the leman russes for the second time, scores another direct hit, and once again doesn't do jackshit. The shooting from my predator and my rightmost dread wrecks the basilisk. My leftmost combat squad disembarks from their rhino and, together with the attack bikes, kills some veterans and wrecks their chimera.

My forces take a pounding. The vindicator is destroyed and so is the command rhino. The executioner and the plasma leman russ destroy the attack bikes. The veterans shoot at the combat squad threatening the objective, killing two marines and causing the rest to flee. The guardsmen rapid fire the combat squad right in front of them, felling another two marines.

Manfred casts hallucination at the huge guardsman unit, rendering them useless for a turn. The dreads and the quad-gun shoot at the hovering vendetta, but fail to hurt it. The tacticals regroup and move in on the objective. The speeder roasts the veterans, reducing the squad to four models. The tacticals then charge the remaining veterans, killing half of them and sweeping the rest.

These two marines are immediately murdered by the combined shooting from the leman russes, while the speeder looses one of its two hull points. My last rhino is wrecked by the vendetta.

I've pretty much already won at this point. My opponent can no longer contest both of his objectives and has no chance of contesting either of mine. Brother Manfred casts psychic scream at the guardsmen, hits, and doesn't inflict a single wound, thus ensuring I never take telepathy again. I give up trying to harm the leman russes and just shoot at the infantry, killing like ten guys. Game ends. I win with two objectives to his one.

My dice were terrible throughout this game. My main mistakes were not sending more marines towards the objective in the ruin and not dedicating more of my firepower to whittling down the big guard squad.


I had a lot of fun at this tournament. The battles were fast-paced, close-fought, and entertaining, and I'm looking forward to the next one. That being said, although playing a gunline list does have its appeal, I really missed the thrill of seeing a land raider full of angry dudes rush across the table. I also missed the twin-linked lascannons of that same land raider and their inherent flexibility. Flak missiles didn't do anything, but then again I'm not sure having my trusty plasma cannons would've done much either. Oh and, telepathy can go sit in a corner, as far as I'm concerned. It may not be apparent from these battle reports, but Iron Hands chapter tactics saved my units on more than one occasion, and I'm looking forward to using them with a killy HQ. Unfortunately, both loyalist marines and mech armies seem to be going extinct in my local metagame, which is a shame.


Bland and disappointing. It's hard for me to think of it as a new codex, since it didn't add anything of note. No relevant new units, no unusual armory entries, no significant FoC-changing options (for some reason, vanilla remains the only marine codex that can't field a pure 1st company list), no fresh predator/dreadnought/land raider/speeder variants, not even a centurion HQ. Also, why the hell can't vanilla land raiders take dozer blades?!

At a glance, it might seem point values have gone down. In reality, this either comes at a cost (for example, by not taking a veteran sergeant you save up points, but your marines are ld8) or things that have gotten cheaper are garbage you would never take anyway (extra armor, storm bolters, whirlwinds, venerable dreads, assault marines, scout bikers, deathwind missile launchers, etc.). The good stuff is actually more expensive (sternguard, hammernators, vindicators, multimelta attack bikes, lysander, etc.), while some other units have gotten worse and retained old prices (ironclads, godhammer land raiders, foot command squads, vulkan, etc.). Librarians are super-cheap now, but since they lost null zone and the old psychic hood, and they can't access divination, I can't see them being used outside of cheap allied detachments. The good news is that vanguard vets, honor guard, power armor bikers, and legion of the damned are all much more affordable now.

Warlord traits are underwhelming. 1 and 5 might come into play once in a blue moon, 2 and 3 are good, 4 is decent, 6 has an extra chromosome. Oh well, I guess they are still better than the ones in the rulebook. Chapter relics suffer from a severe case of internal imbalance. The plasma sword and the shield are superb. The chainsword is an improved relic blade and well-priced to boot. The armor and the boltgun might as well not be there. The banner is cool but it costs as much as a librarian, is limited to command and honor guard squads, and is carried by a single wound guy, so thanks but no thanks.

I don't really have an opinion on centurions, except that they seem overpriced and that I'm glad the pilot isn't riding inside a baby carrier. I need to see them in action before I can make a judgment call. The new Stalker anti-air tank might have been useful if it could be taken in squadrons, or if it was fast attack. Its retarded twin brother, the Hunter, is gimmicky and crippled by its own overspecialization. With stormtalons and stormravens taking care of the anti-flier department – while also being overall great units – my guess is that Stalker/Hunter kits won't be the most lucrative of GW's products. They should've scrapped both tanks and just made icarus stormcannon array and/or skyspear missile launcher available to whirlwinds as additional weapon upgrades. Grav-weapons don't make much sense to me, as they appear to be same as plasma, only without gets hot! or the ability to harm vehicles. That being said, White Scars armies with lots of grav-weapons are going to be scary.

Chapter Tactics are awesome. They're the only fresh thing in this thinly-veiled moneygrab ploy GW calls a codex. They're not without flaws, though, and internal imbalance is only one of them. In theory, taking chapter-specific SCs will now be an option, rather than a necessity. In practice, everyone who plays Salamanders is still going to take Vulkan, all White Scars lists will include Khan, Imperial/Crimson Fists will want Lysander/Pedro etc., because their special rules complement their chapter tactics so well it would be foolish not to take them. Still, it's a step in the right direction.

Overall, this codex is a letdown.