January 4, 2013

Hobby Store Tournament 29.12.2012.

Happy new year everyone! I wish you lots of good rolls and finely painted models in your new 40k year! To start you off, Giga Claus has brought you three battle reports from a local tournament held on 29th December 2012.

Hobby-side, I've put in some serious work during the two weeks prior to the tournament, but still failed to get everything done on time. I managed to convert, assemble, and paint a pair of sergeants (combimelta & combiflamer), a plasma cannon marine, and a multimelta attack bike, as well as assemble and prime a pair of vindicators. 

I also had a painting misshap with a Vallejo paint. My beasty brown got plugged up and I couldn't be arsed to get a needle or a clip to properly unplug it, and instead attempted to bully it into dishing out some paint. I ended up spraying a whole lot of brown all over my wall, curtains, hands, palette, shirt, face, and hair. Miraculously, very little of the explosion has affected the models I've been painting at the time, and none of it has gotten into my eyes. This is the second time I've done this to myself (there's still a silver smear on the wall from the first time), so fuck me sideways. Thankfully, I had cans of white and black spraypaint, so I managed to fix the worst of the damage. As for the curtains, eh...

Tournament was the standard 3 battle, 1850 pts format with rulebook missions. My list:

Brother Manfred, Librarian – terminator, storm shield, vortex of doom, null zone
Tactical Squad "Red" – meltagun, combimelta, plasma cannon, rhino
Tactical Squad "Yellow" – flamer, combiflamer, plasma cannon, rhino
Tactical Squad "Green" – flamer, combiflamer, plasma cannon, rhino
5 x Hammernators – land raider godhammer with multimelta
2 x Multimelta Attack Bikes, squadroned
Brother Hanz, Dreadnought – 2x tl-autocannon
Vindicator – dozer blade
Vindicator – dozer blade
Predator – lascannon sponsons
TOTAL: 1850 pts

Shooting & flexibility is the name of the game. The LR with termies & libby looks like a deathstar, but it's actually a counter-attack/support element. I think target saturation is pretty sick in this one (do you go for the "deathstar", the two pieplate tossing tanks, the attack bikes that are about to blow up your expensive vehicles, or the six combat squads that are having fun with the objectives?), which combined with some proper positioning makes it hard to take down the AV13/14 vehicles. This list doesn't like KP missions, but then I guess most vanilla armies don't. It also has no anti-flyer, which sucks, but there's not much I can do about that until I obtain the necessary models. I had one dilemma when writing it: should I give the libby a storm shield? In the end, I decided to go with it because: 1) when your warlord is a T4 W2 guy who can also instakill himself whenever he does some abracadabra, having 2+/3++ is huge, 2) I had points to spare that I had no clue what to do with, and 3) the modelling possibilities were just too pimp to ignore. That being said, I'm still wondering if getting rid of the librarian upgrades and dozer blades and getting another bike might be an overall better idea.


As soon as I saw his list, I knew I was screwed. It consisted of 3 flying MCs (fateweaver, a bloodthirster, and a daemon prince), two big units of screamers, two units of 3 flamers, three units of plaguebearers, and a soul grinder. To make matters worse, the scenario was 12" deployment, big guns never tire. My opponent got 3 objectives on his side of the table while I got two. I also ended up going first, so a wasted turn of shooting for me. I deployed in a defensive manner, making it hard for him to deep strike close enough to hit my vindicators and land raider. However, I made a mistake by deploying the center plasma combat squad into the open rather than reserving them (I didn't think he'd dare deepstrike so close to them).

I spread my army a bit and popped smoke on most of my vehicles.

Wrong wave of daemons arrive. Daemon prince, two unit of plaguebearers, and two units of flamers. Opponent is pretty aggressive with his flamers, even placing one unit right next to the board edge, but he rolls HIT on both scatter dice and manages to wipe out the far left combat squad and kill 4 out of 5 marines on the other one. Daemon prince zooms off the table and into ongoing reserves in his shooting phase. 

My entire army shoots at the two units of flamers, wiping out one and reducing the other to a single model. Attack bikes zoom in towards the faraway objectives in hopes of delaying some of his army.

Fateweaver, bloodthirster, and two units of screamers all arrive. Daemon prince arrives from reserve and kills an attack bike with vector strike. Then my remaining attack bike rolls a 6 on its toughness test and gets turned into a spawn (or, rather, dies because we didn't have a spawn model available). Fateweaver shoots at a vindicator and blows it up. The last remaining flamer kills one marine. Screamers, daemon prince, and bloodthirster zoom around, with one unit of screamers moving into the midst of my army.

At this point the battle is completely out of my hands. Manfred the Librarian and the hammernators disembark from the land raider to assault the screamers. The rest of the army shoot at screamers, killing a bunch, but it's not enough. Libby & the terminators assault and almost wipe out the first unit of screamers.

Fateweaver flies behind the remaining vindicator, shoots it in the rear armor, and destroys it. Daemon prince assaults the land raider, leaving it with one remaining hull point. Bloodthirster assaults Hanz the Dreadnought, with predictable results. The other unit of screamers joins the fray, killing all of the remaining terminators, leaving only Manfred alive.

Two of my combat squad rhinos drive further away in hopes of being able to contest some objectives, but it's a lost cause. My remaining stuff shoots at the bloodthirster and actually manages to kill it, gaining slay the warlord, so there's at least that tiny victory. In the assault phase, Manfred finally falls to mass screamers and the daemon prince finishes off the LR.

Soul grinder and the last unit of plaguebearers arrive. Fateweaver flies after the two rhinos, blowing one up. The combat squad inside fails its pinning test. Daemon prince assaults the last remaining plasma cannon squad, taking the objective.

No important movements are made. I get tabled. The opponent went on to win his next two battles and take the tournament.

My anti-daemon deployment worked quite well. It's possible I could have taken no first turn damage whatsoever (or, at worst, I would've lost a rhino or two) if only I had reserved those two combat squads. As for the rest of the battle, well... I'm getting my aegis defense line this week, so hopefully I'll be able to somewhat counter those flying MCs the next time I face them. 


Opponent played a MEQ horde. He had a sorcerer in terminator armor, three nurgle obliterators, two units of 5 havocs with quad missile launchers, two units of chaos marines with autocannons, two units of four terminators with combiplasmas and axes/fists, 30 cultists, and a unit of chosen with combiplasmas. Scenario was the scouring, with the table quarters deployment (or whatever the deployment where you split the table diagonally is called), six objectives with random values. Lame randomness kicks in and my objectives end up being worth 4, 3, and 2 points, while the ones in his deployment zone are 3, 2, and 1 points worth. In other words, I start with a massive advantage. Opponent's warlord trait allows him to infiltrate two units, and he decides to infiltrate the termies.

I deployed in a balanced manner. The indomitable land raider is in the middle and both of my flanks are rockrete-solid, with rhinos serving as mobile walls. We get night fighting on first turn, which is another bonus for me since I have a ton of searchlights and he has none. He infiltrates both terminator units on my right flank.

I fail to seize the initiative. He advances with his army and shoots at me, but night fighting and great cover save rolls allow me to negate most of the damage.

In my turn I advance with vindicators and LR, using Hanz the dreadnought and two of my rhinos to illuminate the obliterators and the termies. Nullzone kicks in and I wipe out the obliterators and kill all but three of the terminators. At the end of the shooting phase I turbo boost my rhino to give cover to my left vindicator, while using attack bikes to give cover to the right one.

Traitor termies advance and open fire, wounding an attack bike and stunning a rhino, but fail their charge rolls. The rest of the army shoots a whole lot but only manages to take off a couple rhino hull points.

I keep doing the same thing as before, moving my vindicators & LR forward while using rhinos as mobile cover by turbo-boosting them in front of vindicators at the end of shooting phase. The three remaining terminators are mowed down by the attack bikes and the LR, while the closer CSM and havoc units get mauled by shooting. I forget to turbo boost the centermost rhino back to safety, leaving it within charge range of the cultists.

More inefficient shooting from my opponent. The center rhino is blown up and the cultists + sorcerer assault the combat squad inside. The sergeant bravely accepts the sorcerer's challenge and gets his grizzled veteran's ass handed to him, resulting in the gods rewarding the sorcerer with +1 strength. The combat squad is wiped out.

Manfred & the Hammernators charge out of the LR and close in on the cultists, hellbent on avenging the lost combat squad. Vindicators, predator, a combat squad, & plasma cannons shoot all over the chosen and the cultists, killing lots. Manfred casts vortex of doom at them, but the sorcerer deny-the-witches it. Hammernators make their charge and their sergeant promptly accepts the sorcerer's challenge. He passes his saves and instagibs the sorcerer with a well-placed thunderhammer blow.

Some movement and lots of shooting. Nothing important happens. The cultists lose combat and flee. My opponent decides to concede.

A hollow victory. Not only did my list hardcounter his, it was basically impossible for me to lose because of random objective values being heavily in my favor. However, I did enjoy seeing my new vindicators demolish a bunch of traitors, while the entire slow inexorable advance of my army combined with withering firepower and good use of searchlights was really entertaining from the fluff point of view.


Luka's army consisted of three gray hunter packs, a pimped-up wolf lord on thunderwolf, three thunderwolves, aegis defense line with quad gun, three long fang packs with 2x lascannons and 3x missile launchers each, and a pack of wolf guard with combiplasmas and combimeltas in a droppod. We had one objective each, hammer and anvil deployment, standard mission special rules. I deployed defensively, in a manner that made my vindicators and LR more or less safe from his droppod strike. Night fighting on turn 1.

Thunder wolves & the wolf lord move forward and hide behind the central hill. Wolf guard arrive and blow up a rhino, gaining first blood. The combat squad inside fails their pinning test and lays down to smell the daisies for awhile. Long fangs shoot, but only manage to plink off some hull points off other rhinos.

In retaliation, wolf guard get shot at by most of my army and then wiped out in a hammernator charge. One especially talented tactical marine threw a frag grenade at them, which bounced back and hit him right in the kisser. Thankfully, he and his buddies made their armor saves. The drop pod is destroyed. My deployment zone is cleared of hostile presence.

Long fangs detonate a rhino, and the combat squad inside fails their pinning test and is pinned, so now I have two combat squads dozing on the job.

At this point I realize the central hill is frickin' huge. It's literally high enough to completely obscure the thunderwolves and make it impossible for my tanks to fire over it. To make the matters worse, the two ruins at the sides of the hill are both los-blocking terrain, so together with the hill they form a wall of cant-see-shit-captain that makes my 24-48" range army totally gimp. I manage to take down some long fangs and gray hunters, but overall I'm incapable of getting proper lanes of fire, because the only way to get within 24" of his stuff also means getting into charge range of the thunderwolves. So I drive my attack bikes forward, hoping to lure him into charging. Hammernators & Manfred the Librarian return to their land raider.

The lure works. Thunderwolves ride over the hill and multiple-charge the attack bikes and the pinned tactical squad, wiping the bikes out. More shooting happens and some of my vehicles are hurt and some tactical marines killed, but those are all expected casualties.

Hammernators disembark while Manfred remains safe inside the land raider, or so he hopes. Once again, I'm unable to do any efficient shooting because things are either out of LOS or out of range. Hammernators charge into the fray, killing all thunderwolves and leaving only the wolf lord with two wounds left.

Opponent gets a whole lot of good rolls with his long fangs and blows up my land raider and the last rhino, also immobilizing a vindicator. Manfred takes a wound from the explosion. I get abysmal rolls with my terminators, failing to inflict a single wound on his wolf lord even with nullzone. He then kills two of them.

Manfred runs for cover behind the hill and joins with the one remaining tactical marine leftover from one of the combat squads. The vindicator moves up on top of the hill and vaporizes a unit of gray hunters who were trying to reach my table half. Hammernators finally beat the wolf lord to death.

The other gray hunter pack, after camping for 3-4 turns behind a LOS-blocking ruin, come out of the ruin and gun-down Manfred and the tactical marine to death. Long fangs blow up the last vindicator.

I shoot all but two of the gray hunters to death. My tacticals are too far to reach the opponent's deployment zone and get linebreaker. We roll for the 6th turn, but the game ends with a 5-4 score for my opponent, due to first blood.

This was the most annoying game of 6th I've played so far. It really showcases how much oversized, los-blocking terrain can render the game unplayable. My opponent was a great guy, and I liked his list and was looking forward to playing against it, but the combination of terrain, deployment, and scenario basically made it impossible for us to duke it out the way we would've liked. Oh well, hopefully we'll get a more fun rematch. Thankfully, most terrain around here isn't like that.


I like this list, but I need practice with it. I also have to get that aegis line. I'm still not sure Manfred the librarian needs his storm shield so that'll require some more testing. Vortex of doom had no opportunity to shine on this tournament, but hopefully that won't be the case on the next one. 

Oh and, after three tournaments, I'm confident mech is not only great, but also necessary. Vehicles aren't too fragile in 6th. It's just that they were frickin' indestructible in 5th ed, and that's warping everyone's perspective. Right now, their survivability is as it should be, and I can't imagine a good list without them. 

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