January 11, 2013

Lists with IG allies

Been brainstorming lately, trying to figure out an effective way to implement IG allies in my army. Here are two of my current dream lists (I call them “dream” lists because in order to field them I'd need a crapton of new models, not to mention the time to paint & assemble all of it):

Captain – artificer, storm shield, relic blade, bike
Company command squad – 4x grenade launcher, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Tac squad – meltagun, combimelta, missile launcher, rhino
Tac squad – meltagun, combimelta, plasma cannon, rhino
Bike Squad (9 bikes) – multimelta attack bike, meltagun x2
Platoon command squad – 3x flamer, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Infantry squad – autocannon, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Infantry squad – autocannon, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Vindicator – dozer blade
Vindicator – dozer blade
Aegis Defense Line – quad gun

Tons of troops on the table, tons of guns. Hard stuff gets softened by shooting, then assaulted and wiped out by the captain & the bikes. Anything that deep strikes or comes close gets roasted by a wall of heavy flamer chimeras. Platoon command squad rides in the vendetta. I could add a manticore by getting rid of one chimera and a vindicator.

Master of the Forge – conversion beamer
Company command squad – 4x grenade launcher, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Tac squad – flamer, missile launcher, rhino
Tac squad – flamer, combiflamer, plasma cannon, rhino
Veteran squad – meltagun x3, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Veteran squad – meltagun x3, chimera with heavy flamer/multilaser
Dreadnought – 2x twinlinked autocannon
Dreadnought – 2x twinlinked autocannon
Aegis Defense Line – quad gun

Plenty of scoring bodies, pure shooting. It guns down or roasts anything that comes close and kills the rest from a safe distance. However, it lacks a strong close-combat unit and is weak in that regard, so overall I'm not sure how well it would do against close combat units who can get in my face super-quick.

Overall, while I like imperial guard and would love to have a little army to act as the PDF forces from my chapter's home planet, the money cost is off-putting. Also, I hate how large vendettas are and can't think of a pain-free way to transport one around. Which is why I'm excited for the upcoming DA codex, which looks like it might provide stuff that vanilla lacks at a bargain price (both cash-wise and points-wise). Guess we're about to find out. 

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